Should You Buy Ideanomics ($IDEX) Stock?

Why Should I Consider Investing Ideanomics ($IDEX) Stock

Ideanomics ($IDEX) – So if you take a look at how the vaccine will help open up trade in a lot of the Asian countries, where most people use gas scooters and bikes to travel, their Treeletrick division should see a jump in manufacturing and demand.

The EU is way ahead of the US in pushing EV’s. Getting into government funded transportation is another avenue $IDEX is involved in.

Everyone including $TSLA is trying to get into charging blocks, is another piece of the pie $IDEX is in.

$TSLA Stock Candlestick Chart Today (May 2024)

They have a billionaire backing them in the hottest market there is right now. The EV revolution is much like the tech stocks from years ago.

As soon as people stop trying to make a few bucks and selling after a slight bump, I believe this will become a much stronger stock.

$IDEX is so well diversified in e-bikes, e-tractors, e-buses, e-taxis, e-cars, e-financing, e-charging blocks, that even if one or two divisions take a bit longer, others are right around the corner.

$IDEX Stock Candlestick Chart Today (May 2024)

Just my thoughts! Bullish

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